About me

In 2018 we were fortunate to swap city life & long commutes for wetsuits & wellies and become resident grockles of North Devon. We love the pace of life here, the beaches, the fresh air and some amazing foodie businesses nearby.

I think I’ve had an equal obsession with bathroom interiors and food since a young age. I would travel with my mum all over London delivering the most extravagant wedding cakes she had crafted from her south London shop, to beautiful venues where I always had to check the loos out! As a teenager I helped to decorate the celebration cakes where she supplied amazing sugar-crafted creations to numerous celebrities, TV, and high end London stores. I found it all very enchanting though also saw how much hard work and dedication it took.

My last job in London was working in Mayfair for over 13 years as an office manager. We got to dine at some of the tastiest, most lavish, sophisticated and trendiest restaurants in London. It was, to me, one of the best perks of the job, with menus drooled over long before stepping into the wonderland of a new dining experience, often with bathrooms to match. My kind of heaven!

I have always been passionate about healthy foods with a natural interest in nutrition as a dancer for over twenty years. When it came to the idea of setting up my own business it was always going to involve food. Over the years I have found that eliminating certain foods from my diet just makes me feel better both physically and mentally.

I love creating content belly smiles around the table and helping to inspire others to feed themselves happy. To me, you can’t beat sharing good food with good people and I love being part of that.